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How Can I Get Rid of Gynecomastia?

male plastic surgeryOften called male breast enlargement, gynecomastia is a condition where glandular tissue develops in the chest, causing a swollen, disproportional appearance. Estimated to affect around 20 percent of American men, gynecomastia typically isn’t dangerous, but the symptoms can significantly affect the confidence of individuals suffering from the disorder. As a result, finding the safest, most effective treatment method is essential for many men. Dr. W. Tracy Hankins and Dr. Samuel M. Sohn offer a number of helpful options as well as compassionate care at their state-of-the-art practice.

Gynecomastia is a glandular disorder that is typically caused by fluctuating or imbalanced hormones. This condition is not a result of obesity, although weight gain can be a contributing factor. The first step in treating gynecomastia is to determine if there are any environmental influences, such as taking performance-enhancing drugs, smoking marijuana, or using certain herbal supplements, which can be eliminated to help address the concern. Glandular breast tissue can’t be reduced through diet or exercise, although fatty tissue can. A combination of lifestyle changes and male breast reduction surgery, which may involve liposuction and/or excision of excess tissue, can be utilized to give the chest a smoother, more masculine appearance.

In some cases the swollen appearance of the chest will be due to excess fatty tissue alone, which is called pseudo-gynecomastia. As a result, diet and exercise can be very effective, as can non-surgical treatment, such as CoolSculpting®, and surgical methods, including VASER® liposuction. Drs. Hankins and Sohn can recommend the best option or combination of options to suit the needs and goals of the patient.

For more information about treating gynecomastia, or if you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Hankins or Dr. Sohn, please contact us today. We prioritize safety, results, and discretion.