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Breast Implants

Breast augmentation surgery is an outpatient cosmetic procedure performed under general anesthesia that can improve the appearance of the breasts and enhance their size according to your personal aesthetic goals. While many patients choose to undergo breast augmentation for breast enlargement, others desire breast implants to improve asymmetry or correct the appearance of the breasts following significant weight loss, childbirth, or breastfeeding.

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Las Vegas

During your initial consultation, these goals will be established, and you will be presented with numerous options for types of breast implants, their placement, and incision locations, as well as breast size options. Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates is one of the largest users of implants in the US, which results in our board-certified plastic surgeons’ extensive knowledge and experience with the implant procedure.

Before selecting your implants, Dr. Hankins or Dr. Sohn will perform a physical examination to determine which options and surgical techniques are best suited for your unique body type. Depending on your goals, breast implant surgery can be combined with other procedures, such as a breast lift, to better achieve your desired results. Each of our breast enhancement patients receives a treatment plan for a surgical procedure that is completely tailored to their personal preference and designed to provide the best possible outcome.
For more information about breast implants with our Las Vegas providers or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office today.

Saline vs. Silicone Implants

Breast implants are medical devices used in cosmetic surgery to enhance the size and shape of the natural breasts. Both silicone and saline breast implants can provide great results – it all depends on your unique needs and your individual goals. In your consultation, you will receive a thorough explanation of how each type can enhance your breast volume and appearance. There are several differences between saline and silicone implants, and understanding the pros and cons of each can help you decide on the best type for you.1

Saline Implants

Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater (saline) solution with an outer silicone implant shell. One advantage of saline implants is the smaller incision that is typically required for insertion. Since the implants are deflated before placement, our surgeons are able to fill them with the saline solution after they are under the breast tissue. To help reduce the risk of rippling that can potentially occur with saline implants, our surgeons may fill the silicone shells to a higher volume that is still within the manufacturer’s specifications. In the rare event an implant ruptures, the harmless saline solution will leak out, making it easy to detect the problem and correct it with a breast revision.

Silicone Implants

Our surgeons use the most advanced type of form-stable gel in their silicone breast implants, also known as “gummy bear” implants, which provide a more natural feel. They are the type of implants most of our patients prefer. However, they are more expensive than saline implants, and breast augmentation patients must be 22 years of age or older to be eligible. Breast reconstruction patients can be of any age. Although they have a lower breast implant rupture rate than saline implants, silicone gel-filled implants make it difficult, if not impossible, to detect a leakage problem or silent rupture should it occur. Since the gel doesn’t leak from its shell, the FDA recommends patients get frequent mammograms, with the first one at five years post-surgery and thereafter every two to three  years. Both saline and silicone implants have an average lifespan of approximately 15 years.

Selecting an Implant Size

The volume of your implants will be established during your initial consultation. Although it is helpful when patients come with a cup size in mind, the implant size must be translated into milliliters (CCs) for a more accurate measurement. Since there is no standard measurement for bra cup sizes, this assessment tends to be somewhat inaccurate, as it will vary among manufacturers. Our plastic surgeons find it most helpful when patients try the different implant sizes during the consultation. By seeing the implants under a form-fitting shirt, patients are able to visualize how many CCs they desire in their final result.

Most women tend to choose what equates to a C or D cup, but we are comfortable using a wide range of implant sizes. To get a general idea of how CCs translate to cups, an average woman with an A or B cup will typically see a 1 cup size increase for every 200 CCs. Depending on your build, the cup size to CCs ratio will change. A natural-looking result often can be achieved through several sizes, and the final decision depends upon how you feel about the volume levels as you try them on. It’s important for you to be confident in your treatment plan, and we are committed to helping you select a size with which you will be happy.

Techniques for Implant Placement

Breast implants can be surgically placed in the chest using several different incisions during a breast augmentation procedure. From the inframammary incision that runs along to breast crease, the periareolar incision that runs along the bottom half of the areola, and transaxillary (armpit) incision, there are a variety of surgical approaches. Depending on your unique build, our surgeons may recommend one method over another. If there is more than one technique that can help you reach your cosmetic enhancement goals, then the decision will ultimately be up to your personal preference. Our surgeons are more than happy to extend their knowledge about the various pros and cons of each.2

Breast Implant Placement: Submuscular vs. Subglandular

Subglandular Approach

With the subglandular approach, the implant is placed on top of the pectoralis, or chest muscle. As a result, recovery tends to be easier. However, since there is less tissue covering the implant, there is more of a chance that you can see and feel the implant. If you have a lower nipple position and are concerned about the appearance after an implant is placed, this approach may be warranted. The subglandular approach can lift the nipple, possibly eliminating the need for an additional breast lift surgery. The results tend to be a full, round lower breast area. A downside to this approach, however, is that there is an increased risk of scar tissue forming around the implant, also known as capsular contracture, creating a hardened feel or distorted appearance of the implant. In addition, depending on your anatomy, there may be a less full upper pole of the breast with this approach.

Submuscular Approach

More often, the submuscular approach will be recommended, which places the implant under the chest wall or pectoralis muscle. With the extra tissue covering the implant, the breast tends to look more natural and has a gentler slope. This approach is especially beneficial to thinner patients who have less tissue available to cover an implant. The addition of muscle covering the implant lessens the risk of feeling the implant, also known as palpability, as well as the occurrence of capsular contracture and of implant malposition.

Dual Plane

With the dual plane approach, the implant is placed partially under both the pectoralis muscle and the breast tissue. Generally, the upper half of the implant is covered by muscle, and the lower is only under the breast tissue. Like the submuscular approach, this technique has lower risks and can give a more natural-looking slope to the breast. In the end, a consultation with one of our knowledgeable plastic surgeons is the best way to learn if the dual plane approach is right for you.

FAQs About Breast Implants

  • Do breast implants cause breast cancer?

    In general, breast implants do not cause cancer. Textured breast implants have been found to be associated with breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), a type of lymphoma occurring in those who have breast implants that have textured surfaces.3

  • Are there any risks associated with breast implants?

    When performed by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, breast augmentation with implants is considered safe. As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks which include changes in sensation, dissatisfaction with the results leading to implant removal, capsular contracture, and breast implant illness.4

Schedule A Consultation For Breast Implants 

If you would like to learn more about the breast implant options our Las Vegas surgeons offer, please contact our medical team. We can provide additional information and help you schedule a consultation.

1 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What types of breast implants are available? Available at: Accessed May 15, 2020.

2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Where will your breast implants be placed? Available at: Accessed May 15, 2020.

3 ASPS. Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Available: Accessed May 15, 2022.

4  FDA. Risks and Complications of Breast Implants. Available: Accessed May 15, 2022.

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This content has either been authored or reviewed and approved by the doctors at Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates.