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Woman with breast implants

Breast Lift With Implants

Enhancing the size and shape of the breasts can provide a wide range of benefits. This is part of the reason why breast augmentation is such a popular procedure. For some women, however, breast enlargement alone will not be enough to achieve the desired outcome. In the event the breast tissue has signs of ptosis (drooping), breast augmentation and mastopexy may be a better option.1 The Las Vegas Breast Surgery Specialists at Hankins and Sohn Plastic Surgery are dedicated to helping you meet your aesthetic goals with personalized treatment plans.

What is a Breast Lift with Implants?

Breast augmentation and mastopexy, also known as a breast lift with augmentation, is a technique that reduces excess skin, elevates the position of the breasts and nipples (if necessary), and increases the size of the breasts. Many women find that they don’t need to add as much volume to the breast when combining augmentation with a lift because it naturally positions breasts and provides shape.2 Our board-certified plastic surgeons often recommend this approach for women who have put off breast enlargement until after having children. Additionally, women who have lost a significant amount of weight or who have a genetic predisposition to breast ptosis may find that augmentation with mastopexy offers them a better result. Your surgeon will determine whether this or another modality is right for your needs and goals during your initial consultation.

To learn more about breast lift with augmentation, please contact our practice today. We can answer your questions and help you schedule a consultation with Dr. Hankins or Dr. Sohn in one of our convenient locations in Henderson or Las Vegas.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift

A breast augmentation mastopexy offers the benefits of breast augmentation and a breast lift. Patients can achieve fuller and more youthful-looking breasts in one operation. Other benefits of breast augmentation with a lift include:

  • Enhanced size, shape, and volume of the breasts
  • Elimination of excess breast skin to address drooping and sagging
  • Improved breast projection and elevation
  • Resized, reshaped, and/or repositioned nipples and areolas
  • Improved fullness in the upper portion of the breast

Breast lift surgery with breast implants can also help to improve symmetry between the breasts, in addition to other psychological benefits such as improved confidence.3 During the initial consultation, our experienced plastic surgeons will go over your concerns and guide you toward the best approach for your goals and anatomy.

Candidates for Breast Lift with Implants

Certain anatomical factors affect whether breast augmentation or breast lift with augmentation will be a better approach for your cosmetic goals. Breast augmentation alone can often address a small amount of sagging, depending on the size of your breasts to begin with and the size and type of breast implant used. Most women with moderate to severe breast ptosis will require a lift in addition to an implant and/or fat grafting.4 Other considerations will include your general health and whether you have reasonable expectations for the outcome.

In some instances our physicians may recommend an augmentation mastopexy for women who are considering a breast lift and have no desire to increase their breast size. The reason for this is because a breast lift can often decrease the size of the breast if a substantial amount of excess skin needs to be removed. Breast lift with augmentation can help a woman maintain the size of her breasts in these cases. Your surgeon will discuss this option if it applies to you during your initial consultation.

woman with mastopexy and implants

Breast Implant and Fat Grafting Options

At Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates, we offer a comprehensive range of FDA-approved breast implant types, including silicone and saline, round and shaped, and smooth and textured.5 Dr. Hankins and Dr. Sohn will listen attentively to your cosmetic goals during the initial consultation and recommend one or more sizes and styles based on your preferences and anatomic indicators. If you’re an ideal candidate, fat grafting may also be an option. This more “natural” approach to breast enhancement uses your own fatty tissue to increase the size and improve the shape of your breasts. Fat grafting can be used with or without breast implants, depending on the unique needs of the individual. For more information on fat transfer, please read our page on fat grafting for the breasts.

Breast Augmentation with Lift Procedure

Breast augmentation mastopexy is a combination of placing breast implants along with breast lift techniques. The operation typically takes from one to three hours, and you should be able to return home following the procedure.6 The incisions used for the augmentation mastopexy will be similar to breast lift surgery, and additional incisions on the breast should not be necessary to place the implant or transfer fatty tissue (it should be noted, however, that fat transfer will require liposuction in addition to breast surgery). Dr. Hankins and Dr. Sohn make a concerted effort to minimize any scarring and most patients report that the results are worth it.

Breast Augmentation with Lift Recovery

We encourage women to take two weeks off of work to recover at home following augmentation mastopexy. After this point, you should be able to return to normal activities, unless your surgeon advises otherwise. Bruising, swelling, changes in nipple sensation and tenderness are to be expected, and we will provide medication to help manage any discomfort. While you’ll notice immediate results, most patients start to see the final results of the surgery after about two or three months, although some minor swelling can last for up to one year.7 This effect often goes unnoticed by patients. Scars will initially be pink and raised, but over time they become smoother and should fade in color.

FAQs About Breast Lift With Implants

What does a breast lift with implants cost?

At Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates, we want you to have all the information you need to make the best decision for you. Because we personalize every treatment plan to optimize each patient’s unique goals, the cost of a breast lift with implants can vary based on the details of your unique plan. Our medical team will go over the expected cost of your surgery, including the surgeon’s fee, anesthesiology fee, and operating facility fee, so you are as well-informed as possible. Please note that not all practices are in the habit of sharing the full cost of a procedure, often opting to quote the surgeon’s fee alone. We recommend patients ask what’s included in a quote.

If you would like to consider plastic surgery financing, we work with reputable lending agencies that offer appealing terms and payment plans. Talk to us to learn more.

How long does breast lift with implants last? 

For most patients, breast lift with implants results last for 10 to 15 years, however, some never need a revision.

Do I have to wear a bra after a breast lift with implants? 

Following a breast lift with implants, it’s essential to wear a bra to promote optimal healing. You can stop wearing a bra on special occasions after roughly six weeks, but in general, a bra should be worn daily to maintain your results.

How do I choose a plastic surgeon for a breast lift with implants?

Arguably, the most important decision you will make is selecting the plastic surgeon who will perform your procedure. We advise patients to select a surgeon who is board-certified (or on track to be certified) by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This organization has strict requirements that must be maintained over time, with mandatory continuing education provisions. In addition to reviewing a potential surgeon’s educational background and training, we also believe that listening to your gut is important. During the initial consultation, the ideal physician will listen attentively to your concerns, answer your questions to the best of his ability, and make you feel comfortable. Finally, we suggest reviewing a surgeon’s breast lift with implants before-and-after photos to see what the results typically look like. This can help you determine if the surgeon’s aesthetics match your own

Schedule A Consultation For Breast Lift With Implants In Las Vegas or Henderson

Would you like to know more? Our friendly and knowledgeable medical team can provide additional information or help you to schedule a consultation. Contact us today.

1,2,3 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Combining a breast lift with breast implants. Available at:

4 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Breast lift vs breast augmentation vs breast implants – what’s the difference? Available at:

5 FDA. What to know about breast implants. Available at:

6 WebMD. Breast Lift Surgery. Available at:

This content has either been authored or reviewed and approved by the doctors at Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates.