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Breast Implant Revision

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular procedures for women in the United States and abroad. Unfortunately, the revision rate after primary breast augmentation can remain quite high. Achieving the desired result is often dependent upon choosing a highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeon for your original operation. If you do suffer from problems related to your breast surgery performed by another physician, Dr. Hankins and Dr. Sohn may be able to help. At Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates, our Las Vegas board-certified plastic surgeons have performed hundreds of revision breast augmentation procedures for patients from all over the United States and internationally.1

There are many different reasons why patients come to us for their breast implant revision procedure. Examples of motives include experiencing capsular contracture (a condition in which the scar tissue around a breast implant hardens), bottoming out, implant rupture, or lateral displacement of implants, as well as an interest in implant exchange or the desire to increase or decrease the implant size. Regardless of the reason or need for your breast revision surgery, we will customize a treatment plan that best addresses your needs and goals.

For more information about breast implant revision surgery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hankins or Dr. Sohn, please contact our office today.

Breast Revision Consultation

At our plastic surgery practice, we ask our patients to list all of the things they like about their breasts as well perceived imperfections or poor results from a previous surgery.. This list then serves as a preliminary template for the rest of the consultation and, ultimately, for the breast implant revision surgery. This important step improves the communication between surgeon and patient, and typically results in realistic expectations and higher satisfaction with the outcome. Through this preoperative discussion, we are able to head into surgery with a clearer and more attainable plan designed with your needs and goals in mind.

Planning Your Breast Revision Procedure*

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Average Procedure Time:
1 – 4 hours

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Average Recovery Time:
1 – 2 weeks

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Post-Op Consultation:
2 months

*Your treatment plan at Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates will be customized to meet your needs and your individual experience will vary depending on a number of factors. All information provided on this page is an estimate of typical time and cost and does not represent an offer or guarantee of pricing or availability. Please schedule a consultation appointment to discuss which options may apply to you.

Candidates for Breast Revision

There are a number of reasons women may seek revision breast augmentation when the results of previous breast implant surgery prevent them from looking and feeling their best. If you are in good overall health, at a stable weight, and are troubled by any of the common sources of dissatisfaction listed below, you may be a good candidate for breast revision at our plastic surgery practice in Las Vegas.2,3

elegant woman in a rose pink dress

Common reasons women pursue breast implant revision surgery include:

A desire to combine implant replacement with breast lift to improve the location of the areola and achieve more youthful, perky breasts

Capsular Contracture

One reason for revision breast augmentation can be the development of capsular contracture. Scar tissue that forms around the implant can, over time, become hard, visible, or painful. This has been one of the most frustrating complications of breast augmentation, for both patients and their surgeons. In general, placement of implants above the pectoralis (chest) muscle can result in a higher capsular contracture rate, and we see lower rates when implants are placed below the pectoralis muscle.

In certain instances, a capsulotomy or capsulectomy may need to be performed, which refers to the release of the scar tissue or the removal of the scar tissue, respectively. If a patient experiences a recurrence of capsular contracture, we have been getting excellent results through the use of dermal matrices, both human and porcine. We are especially excited about this newfound ability to treat this complex problem.

Bottoming Out of Implants

Gravity can affect all things, including your breast implants. Over time, the implants can stretch the breast skin and cause lowering of the breast fold, leading to a bottomed-out appearance. If you do not wear supportive bras on a frequent basis, this can worsen over time. This issue can be corrected using a technique that lifts and anchors the breasts in a higher position. By placing sutures into the breast capsule surrounding the implant, the surgeons can elevate the fold and reposition the implant. This breast augmentation revision will often improve your “cleavage” and help to reshape the breast as well.

Lateral Displacement of Implants

The laterally displaced implant can in most cases be avoided by careful pocket dissection at the time of the primary breast augmentation. However, this is unfortunately another common reason that patients desire breast augmentation revision. The implant that “disappears into my armpit when I lay down” can be treated very effectively with lateral capsulorrhaphy sutures. These specialized sutures help to recreate the lateral demarcation of the breast, preventing sideways movement of the implant pocket. We have been able to achieve long-lasting results with this technique, finally helping this group of patients obtain the outcome they desire.

Implant Rupture

Although the newest generation of silicone implants and saline implants have low rupture rates, implant leaks can still occur in rare cases with any type of implant. There are many different reasons for tears, and one of the most common is the fold-flaw. In this situation, the implant folds on itself repeatedly, which can lead to weakness at the fold point and eventually result in rupture. If you experience a rupture, you should replace the implant in the near future to reduce the amount of scar tissue or contracture that can occur. The scar tissue that may form from this event can make removal and placement of new implants more difficult, and it also can be harder to recreate an aesthetically pleasing shape.

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Desire to Increase or Decrease Implant Size

A desire to change implant size is one of the most common reasons why patients consider this surgical procedure. Perhaps the size that was originally chosen is now too small, and you would like to go larger. We will consider your body size and shape and recommend the different size of implant we believe can help achieve your cosmetic goals. There may also be an opportunity to exchange the implant type, most often from saline to the next generation of silicone cohesive-gel implants. These are often referred to as “gummy bear” breast implants due to their more solid, yet natural-looking and feeling consistency and shape.

The opposite can also be true, where there is a desire to change the implants to a smaller size. This is often accompanied by changes in lifestyle or age or weight loss, in which the implants no longer fit with the body image a woman is trying to project. There may be secondary issues generated by the downsizing of implants, including skin laxity, and/or a need to internally tighten the implant pocket or capsule surrounding the implant to better fit the smaller implant. Our plastic surgeons are extensively trained in the latest techniques, and they will help you find an approach that can optimize your results.

Breast Implant Removal

If the breast implants are removed or explanted, you may or may not require a breast lift to restore the appearance of the breasts and position of the areola, reduce breast droop, and address any skin laxity while maintaining a natural breast shape. This depends on individualized factors, including the size of the existing implants, texture and quality of your skin, and the amount of breast tissue that you had prior to the placement of the implants.

What to Expect From Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Each breast implant revision our plastic surgeons perform is unique and custom-tailored to each woman’s personal needs and goals. Most breast revisions are outpatient procedures performed under general anesthesia. Typically, surgery involves exchanging implants, removing scar tissue, reshaping the breast pocket, lining the implant pocket with fat, redistributing breast tissues, and/or lifting the breasts. Liposuction may be performed to achieve optimal results.

During the recovery period, it is normal to experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling. Results of a breast implant revision surgery may not be immediately noticeable because of this, but should become apparent with healing.

Schedule A Consultation For Breast Revision

There are numerous factors to consider when determining whether a breast revision is right for you. To learn more about your options, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hankins or Dr. Sohn, please contact our practice today.

1 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Plastic Surgery Statistics. Available at: Accessed April 24, 2020.

2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Who is a good candidate for breast implant revision? Available at: Accessed April 24, 2020.

3 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Breast Implant Complications. Available: Accessed April 24, 2020.

This content has either been authored or reviewed and approved by the doctors at Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates.