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Can I Afford Rhinoplasty?


Something as simple as a subtle change in the shape of a nose can have a dramatic effect on the overall appearance of the face. This is part of the reason rhinoplasty, also known as nose reshaping surgery, is such a popular procedure. As with all cosmetic treatments, costs can vary and there are many factors that go into determining the price. Dr. Samuel M. Sohn is our board certified plastic surgeon, and he tailors each operation to best suit the individual. As a result, an accurate quote for a customized rhinoplasty can only be provided in person. At our practice, we offer complimentary consultations to make this process as convenient as possible.

In general, rhinoplasty can range in price from a few thousand to several thousand dollars. Some of the factors that can affect the cost include the technique used (open or closed) and complexity of treatment (for instance, whether it’s a primary or secondary rhinoplasty). Additionally, the surgeon’s fee, anesthesiology fee, and hospital fee will also vary. It’s important for you to ask what’s included in the quote you receive from each plastic surgeon you consult with—not all of them include the full, final cost. It’s our practice to provide a comprehensive breakdown of fees during your initial consultation to help you make the most informed decision possible.

We understand not everyone wishes to pay for a cosmetic procedure the same way. Some individuals prefer to pay in full upfront while others like the choice to pay over time. We offer a wide range of flexible financing options designed to make rhinoplasty affordable for almost everyone. If you are undergoing a rhinoplasty after suffering an injury, or if you have deviated septum that impairs breathing, medical insurance may partially cover the operation. We can discuss this possibility with you during your initial visit.